David Moldawer

David Moldawer

Book collaborator and ghostwriter specializing in business, personal development, and self-help.
đź“Ť Montclair, NJ https://bookitect.com

get thee to a nunnery, get thee behind me, or get thee literary representation

I’ve previously crossed swords with my frenemesis, typographer and public intellectual Matthew Butterick [http://typographyforlawyers.com/], here [http://mavengame.com/2015/09/22/new-media-is-not-a-cargo-cult/], here [http://mavengame.com/2015/09/29/does-tree-go-viral/], and here [http://mavengame.com/2016/07/31/against-fortune-cookie-writing/]. Matthew is the Moriarty to my Holmes, the
— 5 min read

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